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21. Prevalence, awareness, and control of hypertension in Greece before and after the COVID-19 pandemic: May Measurement Month survey 2019-2022.

Hellenic J Cardiol. 31 May 2024;[Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 38823778 [Pubmed - as supplied by publisher]

22. Screening and management of hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease referred to Hypertension Excellence Centres among 27 countries. A pilot survey based on questionnaire.

J Hypertens. 01 Sep 2024;42(9):1544-1554.
PMID: 38747416 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

23. Blood pressure variability assessed by office, home, and ambulatory measurements before and during antihypertensive drug treatment: a sub-analysis of the REVERENT randomized trial.

J Hypertens. 01 Aug 2024;42(8):1350-1357.
PMID: 38690937 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

24. Visual assessment of Korotkoff sounds improves the accuracy of a validated professional automated auscultatory blood pressure monitor KOROT P3 Accurate.

J Hypertens. 01 Sep 2024;42(9):1538-1543.
PMID: 38690918 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

25. Assessment and management of exaggerated blood pressure response to standing and orthostatic hypertension: consensus statement by the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability.

J Hypertens. 01 Jun 2024;42(6):939-947.
PMID: 38647124 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

+ Εμφάνιση Περίληψης

26. Atrial Fibrillation Screening During Routine Automated Office, Home, and Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement: A Diagnostic Test Accuracy Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Hypertension. Jul 2024;81(7):1477-1488.
PMID: 38602099 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

27. Prognostic Relevance of Short-Term Blood Pressure Variability. The Spanish ABPM Registry.

Hypertension. May 2024;81(5):1125-1131.
PMID: 38506051 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

28. Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults.

Lancet. 16 Mar 2024;403(10431):1027-1050.
PMID: 38432237 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

29. Is there a seasonal variation in the office vs. out-of-office blood pressure difference?

Eur J Prev Cardiol. 18 Apr 2024;31(6):763-764.
PMID: 38197451 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

30. Prognostic value of home versus ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: a systematic review and meta-analysis of outcome studies.

J Hypertens. 01 Mar 2024;42(3):385-392.
PMID: 38164947 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

31. Seasonal effects on blood pressure variability in treated hypertensive patients assessed by office, home, and ambulatory measurements.

Hypertens Res. Mar 2024;47(3):790-793.
PMID: 38123713 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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32. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring with atrial fibrillation detection algorithm: two birds with one stone.

Hypertens Res. Mar 2024;47(3):813-815.
PMID: 38102216 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

33. Orthostatic hypotension an important phenotype in the 2023 European Society of Hypertension guidelines: how to measure it?

J Hypertens. 01 Jan 2024;42(1):188-189.
PMID: 38033258 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

34. Validation of the oscillometric home blood pressure monitor Braun BUA4000 with wide-range cuff in a general population according to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization (AAMI/ESH/ISO) Universal Standard.

Blood Press Monit. 01 Apr 2024;29(2):99-102.
PMID: 37997431 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

35. Establishing international optimal cut-offs of waist-to-height ratio for predicting cardiometabolic risk in children and adolescents aged 6-18 years.

BMC Med. 15 Nov 2023;21(1):442.
PMID: 37968681 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

36. Validation of the automated oscillometric upper-arm cuff home blood pressure monitor AVITA BPM82 in a general population according to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization (AAMI/ESH/ISO) Universal Standard.

Blood Press Monit. 01 Apr 2024;29(2):89-92.
PMID: 37937605 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

37. Patterns of oral anticoagulant use and outcomes in Asian patients with atrial fibrillation: a post-hoc analysis from the GLORIA-AF Registry.

EClinicalMedicine. Sep 2023;63:102039.
PMID: 37753446 PubMed-not-MEDLINE

38. Lifestyle management of hypertension: International Society of Hypertension position paper endorsed by the World Hypertension League and European Society of Hypertension.

J Hypertens. 01 Jan 2024;42(1):23-49.
PMID: 37712135 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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39. Validating the predictive ability of the 2MACE score for major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with atrial fibrillation: results from phase II/III of the GLORIA-AF registry.

J Thromb Thrombolysis. Jan 2024;57(1):39-49.
PMID: 37566295 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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40. Transforming blood pressure control in primary care through a novel remote decision support strategy based on wearable blood pressure monitoring: The NEXTGEN-BP randomized trial protocol.

Am Heart J. Nov 2023;265:50-58.
PMID: 37479162 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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