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Δημοσιεύσεις ανά σελίδα:

61. Pathophysiology of the Nondipping Blood Pressure Pattern.

Hypertension. Apr 2023;80(4):719-729.
PMID: 36606502 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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62. A novel professional automated auscultatory blood pressure monitor with visual display of Korotkoff sounds: InBody BPBIO480KV validation according to the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization Universal Standard.

J Hypertens. 01 Feb 2023;41(2):356-361.
PMID: 36524556 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

63. The urgency to regulate validation of automated blood pressure measuring devices: a policy statement and call to action from the world hypertension league.

J Hum Hypertens. Feb 2023;37(2):155-159.
PMID: 36476777 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

64. The Microsoft Research Aurora Project: Important Findings on Cuffless Blood Pressure Measurement.

Hypertension. Mar 2023;80(3):534-540.
PMID: 36458550 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

+ Εμφάνιση Περίληψης

65. Relationship of 24-h ambulatory blood pressure variability with micro and macrovascular parameters and hypertension status.

J Hypertens. 01 Jan 2023;41(1):74-82.
PMID: 36453654 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

66. Toward Precision Medicine: Circadian Rhythm of Blood Pressure and Chronotherapy for Hypertension - 2021 NHLBI Workshop Report.

Hypertension. Mar 2023;80(3):503-522.
PMID: 36448463 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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67. May Measurement Month: results of 12 national blood pressure screening programmes between 2017 and 2019

Eur Heart J Suppl. Sep 2022;24(Suppl F):F1-F5.
PMID: 36381519 PubMed-not-MEDLINE

68. Twenty-first century epidemiology of dyslipidemia in Greece: EMENO national epidemiological study.

Hellenic J Cardiol. 2023;69:1-8.
PMID: 36243397 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

69. Addressing global disparities in blood pressure control: perspectives of the International Society of Hypertension.

Cardiovasc Res. 31 Mar 2023;119(2):381-409.
PMID: 36219457 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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70. Increased prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes and hypertension: The SWEET international database.

Diabetes Obes Metab. Dec 2022;24(12):2420-2430.
PMID: 36089908 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

71. Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitors in Patients With COVID-19: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Led by the International Society of Hypertension.

J Am Heart Assoc. 06 Sep 2022;11(17):e026143.
PMID: 36000426 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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72. Bedtime dosing of antihypertensive medications: systematic review and consensus statement: International Society of Hypertension position paper endorsed by World Hypertension League and European Society of Hypertension.

J Hypertens. 01 Oct 2022;40(10):1847-1858.
PMID: 35983870 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

+ Εμφάνιση Περίληψης

73. Hypertension in stroke survivors and associations with national premature stroke mortality: data for 2·5 million participants from multinational screening campaigns.

Lancet Glob Health. Aug 2022;10(8):e1141-e1149.
PMID: 35839813 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

74. Implementation of the 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of hypertension in primary care: the HYPEDIA study.

J Hum Hypertens. Jun 2023;37(6):449-454.
PMID: 35835860 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

+ Εμφάνιση Περίληψης

75. How to find and use validated blood pressure measuring devices.

J Hum Hypertens. Feb 2023;37(2):108-114.
PMID: 35778537 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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76. Home blood pressure monitoring schedule: optimal and minimum based on 2122 individual participants' data.

J Hypertens. 01 Jul 2022;40(7):1380-1387.
PMID: 35762478 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

77. Cuffless blood pressure measuring devices: review and statement by the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability.

J Hypertens. 01 Aug 2022;40(8):1449-1460.
PMID: 35708294 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

78. Automated 'oscillometric' blood pressure measuring devices: how they work and what they measure.

J Hum Hypertens. Feb 2023;37(2):93-100.
PMID: 35637256 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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79. Virtual management of hypertension: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic-International Society of Hypertension position paper endorsed by the World Hypertension League and European Society of Hypertension.

J Hypertens. 01 Aug 2022;40(8):1435-1448.
PMID: 35579481 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

+ Εμφάνιση Περίληψης

80. The Importance of Office Blood Pressure Measurement Frequency and Methodology in Evaluating the Prevalence of Hypertension in Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: The SWEET International Database.

Diabetes Care. 02 Jun 2022;45(6):1462-1471.
PMID: 35476140 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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