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Δημοσιεύσεις ανά σελίδα:

161. Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults.

Nature. May 2019;569(7755):260-264.
PMID: 31068725 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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162. May Measurement Month 2017: Results of 39 national blood pressure screening programmes.

Eur Heart J Suppl. Apr 2019;21(Suppl D):D1-D4.
PMID: 31043862 PubMed-not-MEDLINE

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163. Optimizing observer performance of clinic blood pressure measurement: a position statement from the Lancet Commission on Hypertension Group.

J Hypertens. Sep 2019;37(9):1737-1745.
PMID: 31034450 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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164. Blood pressure in chronic kidney disease: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference.

Kidney Int. May 2019;95(5):1027-1036.
PMID: 31010478 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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165. A meta-analysis helps to clarify the use of automated office blood pressure in clinical practice.

J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). Apr 2019;21(4):536-537.
PMID: 30834676 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

166. National Survey of Morbidity and Risk Factors (EMENO): Protocol for a Health Examination Survey Representative of the Adult Greek Population.

JMIR Res Protoc. 04 Feb 2019;8(2):e10997.
PMID: 30714576 PubMed-not-MEDLINE

167. Recommendations and Practical Guidance for performing and reporting validation studies according to the Universal Standard for the validation of blood pressure measuring devices by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization (AAMI/ESH/ISO).

J Hypertens. Mar 2019;37(3):459-466.
PMID: 30702492 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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168. Blood Pressure Assessment in Adults in Clinical Practice and Clinic-Based Research: JACC Scientific Expert Panel.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 29 Jan 2019;73(3):317-335.
PMID: 30678763 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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169. Automated office blood pressure measurements in primary care are misleading in more than one third of treated hypertensives: The VALENTINE-Greece Home Blood Pressure Monitoring study.

Hellenic J Cardiol. 2020;61(3):174-177.
PMID: 30639355 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

170. Unattended versus attended automated office blood pressure: Systematic review and meta-analysis of studies using the same methodology for both methods.

J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). Feb 2019;21(2):148-155.
PMID: 30585383 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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171. MASked-unconTrolled hypERtension management based on office BP or on ambulatory blood pressure measurement (MASTER) Study: a randomised controlled trial protocol.

BMJ Open. 19 Dec 2018;8(12):e021038.
PMID: 30573476 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

172. Validation of the single-cuff oscillometric blood pressure monitor InBody BPBIO320 for public use according to the 2010 European Society of Hypertension International Protocol.

Blood Press Monit. Feb 2019;24(1):30-32.
PMID: 30531495 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

173. Metabolically Healthy Obesity and High Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Children and Adolescents: International Childhood Vascular Structure Evaluation Consortium.

Diabetes Care. Jan 2019;42(1):119-125.
PMID: 30420475 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

174. Office blood pressure measurement types: Different methodology-Different clinical conclusions.

J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). Dec 2018;20(12):1683-1685.
PMID: 30402943 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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175. Nocturnal blood pressure measured by home devices: evidence and perspective for clinical application.

J Hypertens. May 2019;37(5):905-916.
PMID: 30394982 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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176. Prognostic relevance of visit-to-visit office blood pressure variability in Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial: Same data, different conclusions?

J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). Nov 2018;20(11):1644-1645.
PMID: 30328272 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

177. 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension.

Eur Heart J. 01 Sep 2018;39(33):3021-3104.
PMID: 30165516 PubMed-not-MEDLINE

178. Home blood pressure monitoring in pediatric hypertension: the US perspective and a plan for action.

Hypertens Res. Sep 2018;41(9):662-668.
PMID: 30054592 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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179. Accurate blood pressure measuring devices: Influencing users in the 21st century.

J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). Jul 2018;20(7):1138-1141.
PMID: 30003706 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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180. Blood pressure measurement in special populations and circumstances.

J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). Jul 2018;20(7):1122-1127.
PMID: 30003705 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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