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Δημοσιεύσεις ανά σελίδα:

281. National, regional, and global trends in adult overweight and obesity prevalences.

Popul Health Metr. 20 Nov 2012;10(1):22.
PMID: 23167948 PubMed-not-MEDLINE

282. Outcome-driven thresholds for home blood pressure measurement: international database of home blood pressure in relation to cardiovascular outcome.

Hypertension. Jan 2013;61(1):27-34.
PMID: 23129700 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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283. Should the measurement of blood pressure in the office be redefined?

J Hypertens. Oct 2012;30(10):1906-8.
PMID: 22972158 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

284. Automated blood pressure measurement in atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

J Hypertens. Nov 2012;30(11):2074-82.
PMID: 22914573 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

285. The International Database of HOme blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO): moving from baseline characteristics to research perspectives.

Hypertens Res. Nov 2012;35(11):1072-9.
PMID: 22763485 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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286. Automated oscillometric determination of the ankle-brachial index: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Hypertens Res. Sep 2012;35(9):883-91.
PMID: 22739420 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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287. Assessment of the diurnal blood pressure profile and detection of non-dippers based on home or ambulatory monitoring.

Am J Hypertens. Sep 2012;25(9):974-8.
PMID: 22695508 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

288. Feasibility and reproducibility of noninvasive 24-h ambulatory aortic blood pressure monitoring with a brachial cuff-based oscillometric device.

Am J Hypertens. Aug 2012;25(8):876-82.
PMID: 22673021 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

289. Ambulatory arterial stiffness index: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Atherosclerosis. Oct 2012;224(2):291-301.
PMID: 22632918 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

290. Home versus ambulatory and office blood pressure in predicting target organ damage in hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

J Hypertens. Jul 2012;30(7):1289-99.
PMID: 22499289 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

291. Automatic office blood pressure measured without doctors or nurses present.

Blood Press Monit. Jun 2012;17(3):96-102.
PMID: 22425703 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

292. Diagnostic accuracy of home vs. ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in untreated and treated hypertension.

Hypertens Res. Jul 2012;35(7):750-5.
PMID: 22357523 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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293. Home blood pressure monitoring may make office measurements obsolete.

J Hypertens. Mar 2012;30(3):463-5.
PMID: 22317990 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

294. Obesity and associated cardiovascular risk factors among schoolchildren in Greece: a cross-sectional study and review of the literature.

J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2011;24(11-12):929-38.
PMID: 22308844 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

295. Requirements for professional office blood pressure monitors.

J Hypertens. Mar 2012;30(3):537-42.
PMID: 22241143 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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296. Sodium handling is associated with liver function impairment and renin-aldosterone axis activity in patients with preascitic cirrhosis without hyponatremia.

Ann Gastroenterol. 2012;25(3):254-257.
PMID: 24713869 PubMed-not-MEDLINE

297. Home versus ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the diagnosis of clinic resistant and true resistant hypertension.

J Hum Hypertens. Dec 2012;26(12):696-700.
PMID: 22071448 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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298. A perfect replacement for the mercury sphygmomanometer: the case of the hybrid blood pressure monitor.

J Hum Hypertens. Apr 2012;26(4):220-7.
PMID: 21900952 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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299. Home monitoring is the optimal method for assessing blood pressure variability.

Hypertens Res. Dec 2011;34(12):1246-8.
PMID: 21881576 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

300. Hypertension: Does home telemonitoring improve hypertension management?

Nat Rev Nephrol. 02 Aug 2011;7(9):493-5.
PMID: 21808275 [Pubmed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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