41. Chlorthalidone versus hydrochlorothiazide for preventing cardiovascular disease in hypertension: Is the case closed?
Kollias A, Kyriakoulis KG, Stergiou GS.
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The optimal diuretic choice [hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) or chlorthalidone (CTD)] for the management of hypertension has been an ongoing debate for several years. HCTZ is widely used in the form of single-pill combinations, whereas CTD is a more potent drug vs. HCTZ, especially in reducing nighttime blood pressure (BP), with some indirect evidence suggesting a superiority in terms of cardiovascular (CV) risk reduction. In addition, recent data showed that CTD was safe and effective in terms of BP lowering in predialysis patients with stage 4 chronic kidney disease. The Diuretic Comparison Project was the first head-to-head pragmatic, open-label trial that randomly assigned elderly patients with hypertension under HCTZ therapy to continue with HCTZ or to switch to CTD (equivalent doses). Office BP was similar for both groups throughout the study. The trial showed no difference in major CV events or non-cancer-related deaths during a median follow-up of 2.4 years; yet, CTD was associated with a benefit in participants with a previous myocardial infarction or stroke, which might be a chance finding but could also indicate that a high-risk population is more suitable for revealing the impact of slight differences in the 24-hour BP profile in a relatively short-term follow-up. Interestingly CTD vs. HCTZ was associated with higher hypokalemia rates apart from the latter group of patients where there was no difference. Overall, the available data do not confirm the superiority of CTD over HCTZ in general, but this could be questionable in selected patients.
42. Reply to 'Inadequate study designs for the evaluation of blood pressure monitoring devices and their potential misleading conclusions'.
Schutte AE, Tan I, Gnanenthiran SR, Chan J, Kyriakoulis KG, Schlaich MP, Rodgers A, Stergiou GS.
43. 2023 ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension: Endorsed by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and the European Renal Association (ERA).
Mancia G, Kreutz R, Brunström M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Muiesan ML, Tsioufis K, Agabiti-Rosei E, Algharably EAE, Azizi M, Benetos A, Borghi C, Hitij JB, Cifkova R, Coca A, Cornelissen V, Cruickshank JK, Cunha PG, Danser AHJ, Pinho RM, Delles C, Dominiczak AF, Dorobantu M, Doumas M, Fernández-Alfonso MS, Halimi JM, Járai Z, Jelaković B, Jordan J, Kuznetsova T, Laurent S, Lovic D, Lurbe E, Mahfoud F, Manolis A, Miglinas M, Narkiewicz K, Niiranen T, Palatini P, Parati G, Pathak A, Persu A, Polonia J, Redon J, Sarafidis P, Schmieder R, Spronck B, Stabouli S, Stergiou G, Taddei S, Thomopoulos C, Tomaszewski M, Van de Borne P, Wanner C, Weber T, Williams B, Zhang ZY, Kjeldsen SE.
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Luis Alcocer (Mexico), Christina Antza (Greece), Mustafa Arici (Turkey), Eduardo Barbosa (Brazil), Adel Berbari (Lebanon), Luís Bronze (Portugal), John Chalmers (Australia), Tine De Backer (Belgium), Alejandro de la Sierra (Spain), Kyriakos Dimitriadis (Greece), Dorota Drozdz (Poland), Béatrice Duly-Bouhanick (France), Brent M. Egan (USA), Serap Erdine (Turkey), Claudio Ferri (Italy), Slavomira Filipova (Slovak Republic), Anthony Heagerty (UK), Michael Hecht Olsen (Denmark), Dagmara Hering (Poland), Sang Hyun Ihm (South Korea), Uday Jadhav (India), Manolis Kallistratos (Greece), Kazuomi Kario (Japan), Vasilios Kotsis (Greece), Adi Leiba (Israel), Patricio López-Jaramillo (Colombia), Hans-Peter Marti (Norway), Terry McCormack (UK), Paolo Mulatero (Italy), Dike B. Ojji (Nigeria), Sungha Park (South Korea), Priit Pauklin (Estonia), Sabine Perl (Austria), Arman Postadzhian (Bulgaria), Aleksander Prejbisz (Poland), Venkata Ram (India), Ramiro Sanchez (Argentina), Markus Schlaich (Australia), Alta Schutte (Australia), Cristina Sierra (Spain), Sekib Sokolovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Jonas Spaak (Sweden), Dimitrios Terentes-Printzios (Greece), Bruno Trimarco (Italy), Thomas Unger (The Netherlands), Bert-Jan van den Born (The Netherlands), Anna Vachulova (Slovak Republic), Agostino Virdis (Italy), Jiguang Wang (China), Ulrich Wenzel (Germany), Paul Whelton (USA), Jiri Widimsky (Czech Republic), Jacek Wolf (Poland), Grégoire Wuerzner (Switzerland), Eugene Yang (USA), Yuqing Zhang (China).
44. Global blood pressure screening during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the May Measurement Month 2021 campaign.
Beaney T, Wang W, Schlaich MP, Schutte AE, Stergiou GS, Alcocer L, Alsaid J, Diaz AB, Hernandez-Hernandez R, Ishaq M, Jozwiak J, Khan N, Kiru G, McCardle H, Odili AN, Pyun WB, Romero CA, Wang J, Poulter NR.
45. Requirements for design and function of blood pressure measuring devices used for the management of hypertension: Consensus Statement by the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability and STRIDE BP.
Stergiou GS, Parati G, Kollias A, Schutte AE, Asayama K, Asmar R, Bilo G, de la Sierra A, Dolan E, Filipovsky J, Head G, Kario K, Kyriakoulis KG, Mancia G, Manios E, Menti A, McManus RJ, Mihailidou AS, Muntner P, Niiranen T, Ohkubo T, Omboni S, Protogerou A, Saladini F, Sharman J, Shennan A, Shimbo D, Topouchian J, Wang J, O'Brien E, Palatini P.
46. European Society of Hypertension recommendations for the validation of cuffless blood pressure measuring devices: European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability.
Stergiou GS, Avolio AP, Palatini P, Kyriakoulis KG, Schutte AE, Mieke S, Kollias A, Parati G, Asmar R, Pantazis N, Stamoulopoulos A, Asayama K, Castiglioni P, De La Sierra A, Hahn JO, Kario K, McManus RJ, Myers M, Ohkubo T, Shroff SG, Tan I, Wang J, Zhang Y, Kreutz R, O'Brien E, Mukkamala R.
47. Availability, Cost, and Consumer Ratings of Popular Nonvalidated vs Validated Blood Pressure-Measuring Devices Sold Online in 10 Countries.
Picone DS, Chapman N, Schultz MG, Schutte AE, Stergiou GS, Whelton PK, Sharman JE.
48. Evaluation of the ability of a commercially available cuffless wearable device to track blood pressure changes.
Tan I, Gnanenthiran SR, Chan J, Kyriakoulis KG, Schlaich MP, Rodgers A, Stergiou GS, Schutte AE.
49. Prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in Greece: results from the national health examination survey EMENO.
Venetsanopoulou AI, Kalpourtzi N, Alamanos Y, Gavana M, Vantarakis A, Hadjichristodoulou C, Mouchtouri VA, Chlouverakis G, Trypsianis G, Drosos AA, Touloumi G, Voulgari PV.
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is considered the most common form of autoimmune arthritis. The disease's prevalence is around 0.5-1% worldwide, but it seems to vary among different populations. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of self-reported diagnosed RA in the general adult population in Greece. The data were derived from the Greek Health Examination Survey EMENO, a population-based survey performed between 2013 and 2016. Of the 6006 participants (response rate 72%), 5884 were eligible for this study. Prevalence estimates were calculated according to the study design. Prevalence of self-reported RA was estimated to be overall 0.5% (95% CI 0.4-0.7) being approximately three times higher in women than in men (0.7% vs 0.2%, p value = 0.004). A decrease in the prevalence of RA was observed in urban areas of the country. In contrast, higher disease rates were reported in individuals with lower socioeconomic status. Multivariable regression analysis showed that gender, age, and income were related to the occurrence of the disease. Osteoporosis and thyroid disease were the two comorbidities observed at statistically significant higher rates in individuals with self-reported RA. The prevalence of self-reported RA in Greece is similar to that reported in other European countries. Gender, age, and income are the main factors related to the disease's prevalence in Greece.
50. Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents' growth and development.
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Optimal growth and development in childhood and adolescence is crucial for lifelong health and well-being
51. Relationship between Short- and Mid-Term Glucose Variability and Blood Pressure Profile Parameters: A Scoping Review.
Vakali E, Rigopoulos D, Dinas PC, Drosatos IA, Theodosiadi AG, Vazeou A, Stergiou G, Kollias A.
52. Implementing Carotid Ultrasonography in Optimizing Primary Cardiovascular Prevention Strategy: Has the Time Come?
Kollias A, Kyriakoulis KG, Stathopoulou P, Stergiou G.
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The cardiovascular (CV) disease continuum begins from a cluster of CV risk factors, proceeds with the development of asymptomatic atherosclerotic lesions and ends with the occurrence of CV events [...].
53. Reply to 'Evening or morning dosing of antihypertensive medications: valid epidemiological findings for consensus statement'.
Stergiou G, MacDonald T, Young R, Kyriakoulis KG, Kollias A, Williams B, Tomaszewski M.
54. Accuracy of automated cuff blood pressure monitors in special populations: International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Task Group report and call for research.
Stergiou GS, Menti A, Asayama K, De La Sierra A, Wang J, Kinoshita H, Sawanoi Y, Yamashita S, Kollias A, Wu CO, Ichikawa T, Alpert B.
55. Effectiveness, reach, uptake, and feasibility of digital health interventions for adults with hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Siopis G, Moschonis G, Eweka E, Jung J, Kwasnicka D, Asare BY, Kodithuwakku V, Willems R, Verhaeghe N, Annemans L, Vedanthan R, Oldenburg B, Manios Y.
56. Effectiveness, reach, uptake, and feasibility of digital health interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Moschonis G, Siopis G, Jung J, Eweka E, Willems R, Kwasnicka D, Asare BY, Kodithuwakku V, Verhaeghe N, Vedanthan R, Annemans L, Oldenburg B, Manios Y.
57. Feasibility and measurement stability of smartwatch-based cuffless blood pressure monitoring: A real-world prospective observational study.
Han M, Lee YR, Park T, Ihm SH, Pyun WB, Burkard T, Cho MC, Camafort M, Yang E, Stergiou GS, Lee HY, Seo JM.
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Cuffless wearable devices are currently being developed for long-term monitoring of blood pressure (BP) in patients with hypertension and in apparently healthy people. This study evaluated the feasibility and measurement stability of smartwatch-based cuffless BP monitoring in real-world conditions. Users of the first smartwatch-based cuffless BP monitor approved in Korea (Samsung Galaxy Watch) were invited to upload their data from using the device for 4 weeks post calibration. A total of 760 participants (mean age 43.7 ± 11.9, 80.3% men) provided 35,797 BP readings (average monitoring 22 ± 4 days [SD]; average readings 47 ± 42 per participant [median 36]). Each participant obtained 1.5 ± 1.3 readings/day and 19.7% of the participants obtained measurements every day. BP showed considerable variability, mainly depending on the day and time of the measurement. There was a trend towards higher BP levels on Mondays than on other days of the week and on workdays than in weekends. BP readings taken between 00:00 and 04:00 tended to be the lowest, whereas those between 12:00 and 16:00 the highest. The average pre-post calibration error for systolic BP (difference in 7-day BP before and after calibration), was 6.8 ± 5.6 mmHg, and was increased with higher systolic BP levels before calibration. Smartwatch-based cuffless BP monitoring is feasible for out-of-office monitoring in the real-world setting. The stability of BP measurement post calibration and the standardization and optimal time interval for recalibration need further investigation.
58. Blood pressure variability: methodological aspects, clinical relevance and practical indications for management - a European Society of Hypertension position paper ∗.
Parati G, Bilo G, Kollias A, Pengo M, Ochoa JE, Castiglioni P, Stergiou GS, Mancia G, Asayama K, Asmar R, Avolio A, Caiani EG, De La Sierra A, Dolan E, Grillo A, Guzik P, Hoshide S, Head GA, Imai Y, Juhanoja E, Kahan T, Kario K, Kotsis V, Kreutz R, Kyriakoulis KG, Li Y, Manios E, Mihailidou AS, Modesti PA, Omboni S, Palatini P, Persu A, Protogerou AD, Saladini F, Salvi P, Sarafidis P, Torlasco C, Veglio F, Vlachopoulos C, Zhang Y.
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Blood pressure is not a static parameter, but rather undergoes continuous fluctuations over time, as a result of the interaction between environmental and behavioural factors on one side and intrinsic cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms on the other side. Increased blood pressure variability (BPV) may indicate an impaired cardiovascular regulation and may represent a cardiovascular risk factor itself, having been associated with increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, stroke, coronary artery disease, heart failure, end-stage renal disease, and dementia incidence. Nonetheless, BPV was considered only a research issue in previous hypertension management guidelines, because the available evidence on its clinical relevance presents several gaps and is based on heterogeneous studies with limited standardization of methods for BPV assessment. The aim of this position paper, with contributions from members of the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability and from a number of international experts, is to summarize the available evidence in the field of BPV assessment methodology and clinical applications and to provide practical indications on how to measure and interpret BPV in research and clinical settings based on currently available data. Pending issues and clinical and methodological recommendations supported by available evidence are also reported. The information provided by this paper should contribute to a better standardization of future studies on BPV, but should also provide clinicians with some indications on how BPV can be managed based on currently available data.
59. Masked hypertension: how not to miss an even more silent killer.
Kyriakoulis KG, Kollias A, Stergiou GS.
60. International Consensus on Standardized Clinic Blood Pressure Measurement - A Call to Action.
Cheung AK, Whelton PK, Muntner P, Schutte AE, Moran AE, Williams B, Sarafidis P, Chang TI, Daskalopoulou SS, Flack JM, Jennings G, Juraschek SP, Kreutz R, Mancia G, Nesbitt S, Ordunez P, Padwal R, Persu A, Rabi D, Schlaich MP, Stergiou GS, Tobe SW, Tomaszewski M, Williams KA, Mann JFE.